by Elizabeth Farrington
As we come to the planet obviously – as your Cities of Light emerge obviously – this has to be done on a level of equality, friend meeting friend, brother meeting sister, mother meeting son, all equal and all available, not in a hierarchy but in a Unified Circle of...
by Elizabeth Farrington
We have had many, many, many boots on the ground, people who are acclimatising. And although it is mostly hidden, sometimes, to those who pay attention, it is very apparent that there are Star Beings walking amongst you. And there is a Plan in place. Is it open to...
by Elizabeth Farrington
It is well known that Venus is a place – a planetary culture, really – of Beauty, of Love, and of a frequency that is in fact in alignment with the Universal Laws … But what we decided in this grand scheme of expansion of the Mother-Father Essence/One was that next in...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Let us expand a laser beam of magenta from your heart to your heart; a beam of magenta from your third eye to your heart, so you are triangulating into who you are, who you can be, who you’ve always been. So, let us journey together in the magenta wind, as we travel...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Gentleness has probably never been as critically important upon this planet, upon this sacred archangel, as it is in this moment. And I mean this for each and every one of you: Lay down your fears! Lay down your hesitations! Lay down all your lack and limitation –...