by Elizabeth Farrington
Treat yourself with kindness, and then, knowing the joy, the purity, the sweetness of how that feels, then you are able and eager to share that kindness with others… Kuthumi
by Elizabeth Farrington
My blessing to you this night is the gift of Love. Focus within your heart, for this is where we live with you. And focus upon that which you most dearly desire – a single thing – and we will magnify it together. Jesus Sananda
by Elizabeth Farrington
And this is the Prayer of St. Teresa of Avila: Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. All things are passing away. God never changes. Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing. God alone suffices. And feel that, feel it inside your...
by Elizabeth Farrington
So I had wished to also elaborate and to further clarify this aspect of raising vibrations – it is to be done in joy, in laughter and sweetness. It is as if you have just been invited and you are underway, or perhaps even in attendance, at the coronation – not of some...
by Elizabeth Farrington
The purpose of the LaHoChi first and foremost is to heal hearts. Everything else follows from this. Your Star Brothers and Sisters, your Pleiadian friends, knew as they brought this forward to Earth, and to Atlantis in particular, that if our hearts were not healed,...