by Elizabeth Farrington
Do Not Delay! Be in the state of clarity and readiness, preparedness, active creation, for the future is now. And I am with you and I am leading you and I am walking with you and I have your back. Archangel Uriel
by Elizabeth Farrington
the kingdoms – the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the devas – they have been anchored in the 7th dimension with Gaia for a very long time, and they have continued their journey. And part of that journey, of course, has been to support, and...
by Elizabeth Farrington
It is the willingness, with love, with mercy, with grace, to truly embrace another…whether it is a small child, or a dictator, whether it is an entire species, the human race, or a group. Compassion is not merely passive, it is part of who you are, it is part of how...
by Elizabeth Farrington
I come to you wearing the hat of the President of Intergalactic Council, but I also come to you as friend and ally, and I come on behalf of the Intergalactic Council to make one declaration: We Come in Peace!…in the fullness, the anchoring, the presence, and the true...
by Elizabeth Farrington
All beings, not merely earthlings/Gaians, yearn for love. It is as natural as breathing. And if you were to say the DNA of the ascended masters, the enlightened beings, yes, we, the archangels – all beings yearn for love. It is what drives us. Archangel...