by Elizabeth Farrington
We will tell you when the time of re-engagement is upon you… and let me be clear about that… I do not mean do not engage with one another. This is your family. This is your support. This is your reinforcements, in form. I mean, do not reengage with fear or chaos, lack...
by Elizabeth Farrington
It is the acting from the bedrock of your divine authority, not to override the free will of others but to make the peace, the love, the kindness, the humility, the compassion so powerful, so contagious that everybody wishes to join. Archangel Michael
by Elizabeth Farrington
So look at yourself this day and see the golden grid, the net that I cast upon you – that you are bright and brilliant and shiny, and you are intelligent and powerful in the truest meaning of the word… adherence, alignment… and love. Archangel...
by Elizabeth Farrington
….for what is luck, what is alchemy, what is magic, except you as your creator self stepping forward and calling forward what your heart desires? There is a pot of gold and it is the wellspring of your heart! St. Patrick
by Elizabeth Farrington
…what I welcome is true communion, a unity of sharing, not only of shared language but of shared heart, of the unity that builds a planet instead of tears it away. Discipline is nothing but balance and clarity. Serapis Bey