by Elizabeth Farrington
What it means to be a Nova Being is that you have shifted from the will to dominate, from the will to control, to the will to do good, and this addiction to domination and control comes to an end. El Morya
by Elizabeth Farrington
It’s so important during these times of change that we fully remember, and anchor, and embody, and feel empowered, that in fact, we are the Mother’s boots on the ground. That we are the ones, in form, on planet, as ascended beings, that we’re bringing forth the Dream...
by Elizabeth Farrington
The fundamental reality is that we are all connected, interconnected, interwoven, inter-gridded as One. There is nothing that you can feel, or believe, or hold to be true that does not impact – not simply have ripple effect – but directly impact the entirety of the...
by Elizabeth Farrington
There is no fulfillment of the Mother’s Plan if you are not the fulfillment of your dream, of your mission and purpose… Archangel Uriel
by Elizabeth Farrington
Do not allow your sweet self to be distracted by the chaos, by the drama, by what the Mother has called, yes, the melee. Ignore it and stay within your heart, stay within your divinity. Archangel Michael