Message of The Day

I come this day to reaffirm what you are doing not only is working, but has worked. The human race is and has ascended. And so, I speak to you from this Golden Age where love reigns and peace is a constant. And I come this day to thank you – to thank you for your...

Message of The Day

You are the wayshowers, you are the pathfinders, you are the teachers, the healers, the channels, the pillars.  And come with me and travel along that silver moonbeam, for you are traveling to Nova Earth. Archangel Uriel

Message of The Day

…we have removed you – all of you – from the busyness. It is to take a breath, just as Gaia is taking a breath, and to look around and be able to say, “This is what is important!” Universal Mother

Message of The Day

Embrace what you think are your deficiencies, your quirkiness, your shortcomings, because they are precious, they are your teachers, they are your impetus, and they make us smile. Sanat Kumara