by Elizabeth Farrington
We have been working diligently on this side for what you think of as balance and re balance, to slow the pendulum down between this very erratic behavior…on both ends of the scale…and to bring humanity to a greater stillness, a greater awareness, a greater embrace of...
by Elizabeth Farrington
There are many fence-sitters as portals and wayshowers…you are shepherding many to the place of love. Do not be distracted, my beloveds. We are eager to reconnect in form, on planet, and share, not only our technology and our wisdom but our hearts. We are waiting! I...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Embrace what you think are your deficiencies, your quirkiness, your shortcomings, because they are precious, they are your teachers, they are your impetus, and they make us smile. So, I give you and I fill you, this day, with my golden radiance, for you are cherished....
by Elizabeth Farrington
…have the patience and the temperance to simply say again and again “Let go. Embrace your divinity. Embrace your joy. Choose Love and let go of the rest. Archangel Jophiel
by Elizabeth Farrington
when individuals – and hence communities – are choosing what they are passionate about in terms of pursuing how they contribute, then you have healthy communities… then you have Cities of Light… then you have Global Peace. Archangel Gabrielle