by Elizabeth Farrington
Now you ask, “How would you define Love?” There is still a propensity in the human condition to wish to define love…You are shifting to the higher realm where you can BE the love… Lord Maitreya
by Elizabeth Farrington
I wish to give you and to more deeply ignite within your being not only the peace but how to arrive at peace… and might I suggest that it is through forgiveness? Sai Baba
by Elizabeth Farrington
But you have innately known, you’ve always known, that the answers to everything, everything you are seeking… not just to know but to truly KNOW, is within your heart. Universal Mother Mary
by Elizabeth Farrington
We are creating the new paradigms. They are not about limitations or rules. They are about enormous free-choice options, freedom, independence, and the choice not to step on other people’s toes. It is glorious! Commander Playd’or of UFOG
by Elizabeth Farrington
you will remember… you are never forgotten, and you are never, ever alone. Universal Mother Mary