by Elizabeth Farrington
Let us start with compassion, and let us take this quality and this concept, this belief system, and expand it one hundred, one thousand-fold. Archangel Jophiel
by Elizabeth Farrington
Universal Law did not go by the wayside. It is the new normal. It is the realm to which you ascend. It is our code of conduct. Sanat Kumara
by Elizabeth Farrington
So, I give you my emerald elixir and I fill you. And I give you my golden cup that you may sip this elixir from it whenever you feel the need for love, the need for healing, the need for fortification. Archangel Raphael
by Elizabeth Farrington
Wage peace, anchor love, and remember joy. I am with you. Archangel Michael
by Elizabeth Farrington
More than ever before, there is the desire to bring forth Heaven, or what people perceive as Heaven, on Earth! Archangel Gabrielle