Message of the Day

Your world is surrounded by your stars that wink at you, by dolphins who play with you, by whales that sing to you, by dogs that smile.  Follow them as I do.  Receive the gift of vision.  Jesus

Message of the Day

So I ignite your Divine Radiance – as I entwine it and partner it with mine – so open your heart, your stomach, your feet, your head, your precious self as I transmit this awakening of my Radiance directly into thee.  Open and receive!   Divine Mother

Message of the Day

I have asked you, and I will ask you again, and again, and again to make a ritual, a practice, a playtime of writing LOVE and PEACE with my Violet Flame, with your Violet Flame, in the air, on the ground, on the hearts of others so that when people walk they absorb...

Message of the Day

If you feel that you are having trouble turning on the switch to your own current or to anyone else’s {to heal yourself, each other and this beautiful planet}, call on me.  I am a master electirician, not just carpenter; I will throw the switch with you and for...

Message of the Day

Long ago this Council, the Mother herself has taught you two fingers to the heart. Now, with those fingers, and with my Violet Flame, write LOVE everywhere, in the water, in the air…  St. Germaine