Message of the Day

“When you enter the 13th Octave, you unite with love …. Your expanded self anchors back through the energy fields of the dimensions … into the hearts of humans, animals, flowers … to touch their hearts … brush them with the gentle knowing...

Message of the Day

“So in many ways, when I bring my Violet Flame to thee, what I am doing is simply reawakening and helping you to remember the essence and the truth of who you are … You are splendor. You are grace. You are the embodiment of the I AM, of the essence of our...

Message of the Day

” … when the Mother dreams … has what you might think of as a desire …  It is … in every singular fine detail … already complete. … it is about the power of her Creation … what I am saying to thee this day and every day ...

Message of the Day

“… it is not only … the Cities of Light that we are anchoring with, but each and every one of you. … beacons that are going out … saying there is hope here … healing here … When you anchor your Lemurian … Atlantian...

Message of the Day

“Allow the shift to take place; … it is your time.  … We are not only on call, we are standing right next to you in your living rooms, your bedrooms, your offices.  The Universal Mother wraps you in Her arms.”  Jesus