Message of the Day

“When you… and you do express your gratitude, whether it is for a particular cloud or mountain or stream or blade of grass… it is a gift.  It is a conjoining … a sublime union … a form of sacred union … recognition … for every molecule of...

Message of the Day

” .. many times you ask, ‘Jesus, where are you? … How can I see you … sit with you?’ I understand and share this yearning.  This day beloved ones, I am asking you to come and sit in your purity and essence – the clarity of who you...

Message of the Day

” I have held deep abiding Love for this planet of Gaia … the unfoldment of the Plan for Gaia …  deep abiding Love for humanity; and a special place in my heart … for the legions of torchbearers, the leadership that shows the way to this...

Message of the Day

“Self-worth is part of your composition; the knowing of your mighty beauty, your power, your truth, your harmony and your peace.  This is as real as your hair, you face, your feet, your imagination … something simply to say yes to … ”  St....

Message of the Day

“So, take a nice deep breath of green, the green of your heart chakra, that beautiful emerald green, and bring it in, whether it’s through your mouth, or your nose, or your crown, breathe in the emerald and feel yourself sinking into your heart chakra. This is...