When I tell you that I worked and I earned and I accepted my expansion into this role of Commander of the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies – the outer galaxies that are far, far away from you in what you would think of as almost a distant universe, of CeeCeeCee, of Zeres and Xeres, of all these distant places that you do not know of – it was because I came to accept not only that I was what you would think of as the son of Grener, the son of Queen Green, but that I had capacity to grow into what my heart desires.

Commander Ashira of UFOG ~ Your Intergalactic Self

Welcome, my beloved friends and family. I come to you as Commander of the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies. However, I do not simply come to you in that capacity. I come to you on behalf of the Unified Forces to also bring greetings of new beginnings, of new realm of existence – of New Year!

We understand this construct of what you call “years, of the ebb and flow of seasons, of the ebb and flow of months, of hours, of days, of minutes…” It is a construct that is fluid and, in many ways, not real, but that has been inordinately useful for bringing people forward in this, what you think of as evolutionary process.

But I do not really come this day to talk about the constructs of time or the construct of physics, or quantum physics as you call it, or even metaphysics, all of which, again, are simply on a continuum.

What you are really learning beyond quantum physics is metaphysics, is what you think of as the esoteric practices and yes, the bringing forth of the fullness of creator self, of the interdimensional self, which is what you have been yearning for. And the interdimensional self, which is the essence of who you are, is the self that is in the expanded reality of your heart consciousness. It is the activation, the implosion, the explosion, the awakening, however you think of this, of the truth of who you are.

And yes, it is a choice – your ascended self – to which most of you have said yes, because this night I speak to those of you who are of the lightholders/lovebearers’ community.

The vibratory rate, the increase in Porlana C has been turned up and magnified yet again and penetrates the entire population of your planet. But those of you that are pillars and wayshowers and pathfinders, and awake and interdimensional/multidimensional beings – you are holding the pattern, the expanded pattern, yes, of your unique self, but also the pattern of a galactic or what you would think of as intergalactic self.

The Porlana C, and of course the Mother’s Tsunami and the Tsunami of One, have brought you to this place of what we would call ‘ignition’. Now you always have the choice to turn on the ignition and claim your self – your ascended self – or you can turn aside and say, “No, that isn’t happening.” It is the expansion of the truth of who you are.

We have not simply sent or been the ambassadors of so many energies to simply have you say, “Thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you very much.” We love to give you gifts and we have been doing so for decades, indeed millennia – certainly of expansion, of technology, of what you have thought of as science or quantum physics, astrophysics – but understand, this has not been an experiment simply in which we say, “We will gift them and gift them and gift them, and see how much energy they can hold.”

And it is not that we don’t love you, because we do. It’s the only reason we’re here.

But the entire purpose of our Divine Mother’s Plan is to bring you to the fullness of yes, is to bring you to the fullness of ignition, to bring you to the fullness of that awakening of, yes, The Great Awakening, and in that, for you to assume your birth right – the joy and expansiveness of who you are.

So often, the Mother or Mi-ka-el or Gabrielle have told you: “You are magnificent,” and you have said, “Well, thank you,” and then gone about your daily business. It is like, sweet angels, when someone has said to you, “Oh, you’re so pretty. Oh, you’re so beautiful. Oh, you’re so handsome,” and you have thought: “Well, thank you” and internally you’ve said, “Well, I’m not really that pretty,” or “They’re just being nice,” or “I wish I was prettier,” or “That’s not really true.”

And then you have ignored the compliment and gone about your daily business, not anchoring what that expression of awe and admiration, of honouring and love, was really about – that the person who may have been an angel or a galactic or a human looking at you saw the light, not just merely the physical beauty (your hair, your eyes, your smile) but that they acknowledged the divinity within you – and you’ve negated it. That time of negation is over.

So, when we say to you: “You are magnificent, that you are incredible, that you are beyond beautiful,” take it in because that is part of your ignition, that is part of your acceptance and surrender of who you are, and it allows you not only to be your interdimensional self but to create and operate as your multidimensional self.

When I tell you that I worked and I earned and I accepted my expansion into this role of Commander of the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies – the outer galaxies that are far, far away from you in what you would think of as almost a distant universe, of CeeCeeCee, of Zeres and Xeres, of all these distant places that you do not know of – it was because I came to accept not only that I was what you would think of as the son of Grener, the son of Queen Green, but that I had capacity to grow into what my heart desires.

And that when I knew of our travels intergalactically through the white holes and the black holes to travel to a distant place where the Dream of the Mother was coming to fruition, that I accepted what my potential was and yes, grew into it. And as I grew into it, then I became what I so desired and I could create … and I am not simply speaking of working with ships or manifesting out of thin air… I could create family and friendships and vision, that I could experience the magnitude of love.

And so, when I come to you this day as brother and ally, as one who holds you near and dear, that I share my family with, I come to say to you: “Accept your divinity. Accept the ignition that is taking place.”

Yes, you are the landing crew in so many ways because you are the transition team. You are not just the implementers; you are the transition. And that is why the Intergalactic Council and so many of the galactic forces, we are all here supporting you, both in obvious ways and in very subtle ways.