Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda. I am Jesus, I am Jesus Christ, I am Yeshua, I am Yeshi – I AM. And so are you. I welcome you to this day, this time, this season, this year and this Planet of Love.
Yes, often we speak of love, we teach love, we infuse love, we instill love, we discuss love, but let us, this day, together as sisters and brothers and friends and allies, let us celebrate love, this amorphous quality, because what is love?
I do not come to you as eternal quantum love physicist. I come to you as brother, as friend, as one who knows, remembers, understands and comprehends what it is to be human – yes, with the trials and tribulations, but also with the exquisite joy, that radiant sunshine joy, the gentle happiness, the sweet kindness.
But what is love, for it is everything and it is nothing? It is the Divine Essence – the Essence of One and the Essence of All.
Our drive and your drive, seen and unseen, is to simply be the love. How you do this, and how we do this, is not just in what you think of as service – because does that not sometimes or at times have a feeling, yes, of course of responsibility, but what I am inferring is a little bit of drudgery, of obligation? And that is not what service is about at all.
But how we experience love is truly in the joining, in the embracing of yourself, of everything, of all, of each other. Love is hard to pin down, isn’t it. And yet, when you feel love, when you experience love, when you know love, there is nothing mysterious about it. And it is not just a momentary feeling of zing, of upliftment, of bliss. It is the substance of All.
When we say that it is the Essence of the Divine, that it is sublime, there are moments when it is difficult as human beings to get your arms around that, to get your fingers into that, to be able to taste it and smell it. And really, that is why you have been given all your senses so that you can experience love, that you can truly know it.
Often you look as human beings for the intangible, and yet it is known very clearly in the tangible: in the scent of a flower or the spring, the scent of a baby’s skin, the scent of your beloved, the taste of honey or spice, the taste of fresh water, the sound of your favourite music, whether it is a sonata or rap – it is all love.
Yes, there are pieces of angry music, and sometimes we have certainly channelled music to be able to trigger anger out of you, but that is not what I am speaking of this day. I am talking about that song or melody that makes your heart sing, that makes you smile and want to sing along, or sit completely entranced in the beauty of the man or woman who has created it. And in that, there is a form of sacred union.
Yes, often I have spoken to you – and, of course, I never tire of it and I hope neither do you! [chuckles] – but I have spoken to you about my sacred union, my sacred partnership with my beloved Magdalena, and this is often the most obvious and apparent example of love is how you feel in sacred partnership.
But what I also want to remind you of on this day of celebration of the Essence of All is in how many fashions, manners and ways you experience and can experience love. In the eyes of an infant, in the eyes of someone approaching 100 – in their eyes is not only the wisdom of what they have learned, but the compassion and support of what you still have to experience. We would think that this would be a gift and yet, so often, eyes are averted from the very old.
When you have the opportunity, truly engage with those that have spent a lifetime learning love. Learn from them, from their experiences and from what they feel they have failed in, which as you know is a misnomer at best. Feel the love. And feel the love in the music and the birdsong, whether it is a crow or a beautiful songbird. They each have messages of love that they are sharing. Let it not just talk to your ears but to your heart!
Yes, we have been talking about this theme of heart listening and heart speaking, but when we do, we want you to hear it; we invite you to hear it and experience it in all kinds of ways. Listen to the grass grow. Listen to the snow fall. Listen to the ice freeze. Listen to the breeze. Because all of these are containing messages of love, not only from the elements and from Gaia herself, but from all of us.
So often you are so busy that you don’t have time or the inclination to hear us when we are calling out to you: “We love you, we love you, we love you!” So we use the wind and the birds and the water to speak to you.
But what I really wish to talk to you about this day is loving yourself, cherishing, honouring your beloved self and not merely the brilliant angel, all the aspects and elements, all the lifetimes that you have come forth in, but your human divine expression that you are, in tangible form, in this beautiful body right now. You are magnificent!
The gift of loving yourself is the essence of the Mother, but the Mother doesn’t say to you – and I most certainly am not saying to you this day – that you love yourself as you love the Mother and so you love the Mother. All that is true. But so often in that process of divine upliftment, of connection, what often happens is you get lost in the shuffle, my friend, or you have a tendency because of your humility, because of your piety, because you are sacred, you overlook yourself in that mix.
I know you. I have known you forever. But I also know you as friend, as brother, as ally right here and right now, and I want us to take this time together, right now, not only for you to celebrate you but to really, fundamentally, deeply, profoundly, essentially love yourself – not just what you think of as the being who has practiced love, incorporated love, done service, but you with ten fingers and ten toes or no toes, with arthritic joints or limber joints, with short hair or long hair, with thinness or obesity. I want you to love you.
So I am not just declaring my love and our love for you. And yes, I am certainly activating the love of self in you as we are speaking. But over and above that, can we and you take this infinite moment, not just to accept but in that bliss of All That Is, to love yourself: all the mistakes as you may judge them, all the missteps, all the trials and tribulations, all the victories and upliftments.
The fact that you are still on Gaia, in form, in your ascended self, creating Nova Earth – yes, that certainly deserves love. That has always been beyond question, but surrender to it. Surrender and embrace gently, with infinite kindness, who you are. Love yourself. Without this deep abiding love not only of your sacred self – it is the terminology we use, but I will use the words your “present-current-full self”, your “physical-mental-emotional-in form self” – without that love of you, there is no love of us or another.
And you may say to me: “Yeshua, that is not so. I feel so-so about myself, but I deeply and passionately love the Mother. I deeply and passionately and fully love my family, my husband, my spouse, my partner, my dearest son and daughter. I would do anything for them. I would die for them.” I know about dying for a cause and a belief and a mission! Sweet love, will you live for them? Will you live for love? Will you live for the love of your sacred, human, physical self?
Because when you do – and note I do not say if you do – when you do, the love that expands out of you to all beings, and yes, that inner circle, takes a quantum leap. It is not just multiplied. It is not just squared. It is expanded into infinity because love has no edges. The Divine has no edges. Yes, we think of the Mother, and particularly my mother, Mother Mary, as having defined form, but in fact that is not so. The essence of love has no edges.
Think about this. What I am inviting you to do is to love yourself as infinitely, as mightily, as the universe – and in that, in that expression and experience and reality of loving yourself this way, you are the love. That is your essence. That is your pathway to the discovery, the fullness of your being, the fullness of your ascended self.
There are no brackets, there are no lines, there is no delineation between you and All. But it begins with this essential nourishment and acceptance in awe and wonder – not in “I guess I’m okay,” no – in this profound awe and wonder of who you are, that you chose the minute and the hour and the day to take form, and in this body, and in these circumstances. You are a powerful creator and you are moving into this more and more every day. But the essence is love.