We are in the middle of The Shift. This paradigm, dimension, heart, consciousness Shift or Ascension is not something that is magically going to happen in December of this year – it is happening right now. The magic and the miracles are right now. There are times I am so excited and happy I think I am coming out of my skin. How much good news can a person stand? Well, in this girl’s case, a whole lot.
Gaia is well underway in her movement up the golden spiral into the 5th dimension, brushing and dancing with the 6th of creative chaos and the 7th of Love and the Christ Consciousness. The Great Awakening was written to give you a step-by-step energy guide to raise you vibrations and frequencies, to open your heart, so that you would be in absolutely alignment with this process. The Shift, Ascension, the book is not about dates, it’s about you and I, humanity, becoming the fullness of who we are and being the leaders, the wayshowers we have promised long ago to be. Don’t wait for that Christmas rush – you can do it now – you can be in the higher dimensions of joy and fulfillment right now. Why on Earth would you wait?
When you are looking for evidence (as we all do – some of us call it confirmation) of what this Shift looks like or how you can know that this is something real taking place, check your heart. One of two things is happening. Either you are feeling more love, more joy, more potential or you are pissed off, exhausted, weepy and feel like the human collective just doesn’t get it and never will. If you are in the second group then take heart because you are in the final stages of letting go of all the old false illusions and paradigms of the old 3rd dimension, of Old Earth. Let it come up and out – and the book address this and how to let go gently, quickly and permanently. No need to live there anymore.
But back to the evidence. Rather than looking at the world picture, the nightly news, or tuning into the drama du jour, begin to focus on your neighborhood. I suggest your neighborhood rather than your place of work because that is where people feel more relaxed, more secure, more at ease, freer to be themselves. That is not to say that work places are not being transformed but look at what’s going on immediately around you. Even if you live in a city high-rise building you are still part of a community.
What you are going to begin to notice is that your neighbors are lightening up. What better way to begin to internalize that the Shift is occurring. Look in their eyes, peek into their hearts, and listen to their words. Begin to tune in and pay attention. Pay attention to both the spoken and unspoken conversations. As you are doing so don’t forget to be the truth of who you are, to be that Love in action, even when it’s only a smile or encouraging word. Then anchor and realize things are changing, the collective is beginning to let go of the drama addiction. Remember there is a difference between neighborly chat and drama.
Another thing you are going to notice is the volatility of your emotions. Don’t worry about it – let all emotions to gently come up, be and move on. The rules about clearing, being triggered, having a story are all changing. Remember you are
a being of Light – energy passes in and out – don’t judge it. Part of the really good news is if you are feeling dizzy – that means you are travelling up the spiral, disconnecting to the old. However, it is crucial during this time to anchor deeply in the heart of Gaia – you don’t want to spin out. Again, all covered in The Great Awakening.
My initial purpose in this note was just to share with you a couple of upcoming events – but as always the Council has things they wish to share with you.I am having several events around this incredible information regarding Ascension and the Shift.
The first are 2 u-stream sessions on June 9th at 3 PM EDT, and September 8th at 1 PM EDT. The focus of these 2 hour sessions is twofold. The u-stream is based on the assumption that you have read the book, done the meditations and attunements repeatedly, and you now have questions; experiences you would like clarified or simply share. The second is that you are jazzed and excited to hear the latest the Council of Love has to share with you regarding Ascension, and wish to receive the further energies they will be gifting during those webinars. This is the opportunity for you to submit your questions and participate in a global conversation about the and your Ascension process. And remember it is a process, not a date.
The u-steam sessions are free. I am requesting that you submit your questions beforehand so I have a chance to prepare and adequately answer your queries.
The second event is called The Great Awakening: Ascension Healing on July 14 – 15. Shortly after my first experience in teaching the COL’s Ascension process in October 2011, the Council came to me and downloaded an attendant healing process that is based on these new Ascension energies. It is phenomenal. The first part of the workshop is walking you through the Ascension process, the second part is the learning and experiencing of this tremendous expansion and healing energy. It is an energy that can be shared but the primary focus is you – the individual on the path of raising your vibration to a level where you simply slip into a different dimension and reality. Not leaving your loved ones behind but reaching out and helping them through the portal as well. This class will be intense but joyful. Because of the intimate nature of what we are doing together I will host this gathering at my beautiful home and sacred space in Port St. Lucie, Florida. We will join as community – laughing, playing and flying together. Maybe a few tears… The cost of the weekend, including workshop preparation and materials is $333. It does not include accommodations or travel.
I am so excited to share these gatherings with you – this is an amazing time to be here on and with Gaia. It’s time of unity and community – and what Archangel Raphael calls Light-building. I hope you can join me in one of the special events. Love, xxxx.