Jesus Sananda asks us to be united in Love. “Wherever you are, I wish to be with you. And wherever I am, I am inviting you along, and that my friends will be an adventure. So what do you say? Let us begin for it is a new day.”
I am Jeshua, brother of your heart, brother of your soul. You may call me Jesus or Sananda or simply brother. What else can I add? I do not and I will not shield myself because where there is Love it will always win, it will always penetrate, it will always be the gift.
Now we have given you shields much the same as we had given Gaia, and that was monitored and taken care of by your friends of UFOG (United Forces of Outer Galaxies) for a long time, thousands of years. And it was that you felt you needed, and you did need, to feel protected. But you have grown and your radiance is dazzling.
Yahweh has said to us only those who are of Love shall gather in this home, and he has called you home and that is why you are here – to be the Love. It is the next step, and it entails courage and trust and belief in us and in yourselves that we are a unified field surrounded by these magnificent angels of pink. They have left the throne room, and they gather here to witness this, to witness the beauty of human beings choosing divinity, choosing Love.
When you erect your shields whether through your personality or through your etheric field or your emotional field, then you are saying “I wish to be isolated.” And let’s be realistic: you can’t be. It doesn’t work. It never has and it never will. That does not mean that the uniqueness of your precious being is not noted and loved – it is. But it can only be fully acknowledged and contributed to when you are available. You have that expression in your generation here “Oh, they are not emotionally available.” It means that they are shielded. It never reinforces Love.
So I ask of you to be united not only in the 13th Octave but in the 9th, the 7th, the 5th, the 3rd – wherever you are, I wish to be with you. And wherever I am, I am inviting you along, and that my friends will be an adventure. So what do you say? Let us begin for it is a new day. We are excited. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon, Annual Reunion Port St. Lucie, FL