Archangel Uriel speaks of the purpose of the Silver Flame, a gift of clarity, to light the way if you ever find yourself in places where the light is not burning brightly, and that includes if it is not burning brightly deep within your own heart, for there are times in the human existence where that can be the darkest place of all.
Greetings, I am Uriel, Archangel, brother, friend, ally. Welcome, my beloved ones. And welcome to this time of future, this time of change, and this time of now. Jophiel and I who have worked so much with the future now anchor in your time and your reality.
I bring you the gift yet again of my Silver Flame. It is the flame of my essence and of my being. It is the flame that I have carried for One and for All throughout eternity and beyond. For is not time an interesting concept? I carry this flame in the palm of my hand, and it burns brightly. And its purpose, my beloved friends, is to light the way so that if you ever find yourself in places where the light is not burning brightly, then use my flame. And that includes if it is not burning brightly deep within your own heart, for there are times in the human existence where that can be the darkest place of all.
This is a place and a time of healing and channeling, so I also give you this flame as a healing tool to place not only in someone’s heart, but to help them gain the gift of clarity. That is really the purpose of this flame. The gift of clarity is the gift to see who you really are. It is the gift to truly see into situations, into environments and into the planet and far beyond. If you do not know clarity, you do not know the wonder of your being. You do not know fully the wonder of each other. And, dearhearts, you are wondrous.
This is not a time or a workshop of healing. It is a workshop of transformation. And you would not be sitting here with me, flying here with me if you were not prepared and welcoming and already giving gratitude for this transformation. So I thank you. This unfoldment of the plan of One, of the Mother Father One, has been in place for a very very – eons of time – and this is the blossoming of this plan. This is the co-creation with you, my sweet friends, and the lifting up of the vibration so that you do see, act and know from this place of clarity, from this place of purity. It is the destruction of the old paradigms that no longer serve this wondrous human race, this collective that has journeyed and demanded this transformation. And we are eager to assist.
My flame of silver, like my beloved Germaine’s, will burn away the old. It is a softer flame than the violet which is really a towering inferno as you well know. My flame of silver is subtle. It is gentle. It is graceful. But it is nonetheless the strength of the Holy Spirit, the ability to transmute, transform, transfigure, transubstantiate. And it will burn away those ideas that perhaps you no longer carry, although there is some debris to be cleared, but it will clear away the debris of others as well. It will let go of anger, of guilt, of blame, of judgment – things that have been created by the humans that is not a reflection of One. So I stand in your presence this day, this time that we have together, and I am asking that you call on me and use me and use this Silver Flame. It is my gift to you. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon ~ Pensacola, Florida