Submitting Nova Channels and Channeled Gems to the Council of Love

The Council of Love has two new categories of sharing the Love on the website.

Nova Channels is for those channeling the Council of Love (ascended masters, archangels, saints, star family, etc.)  in a clear, consistent and high frequency fashion. In these channels the love always shines through. Most of these channels are graduates of the How To Channel classes, either live or through the on-line webinar series. You will have been practicing and honing your skills and are ready to fly!

The oversight function of this incredible project has been entrusted to Mary Valanzano. Mary has been with the COL for over 20 years as  trusted transcriber, website poster and dear trusted friend. Mary knows the vibe of the COL and will be the “gatekeeper.” All Nova Channels should be forwarded to her at

Submissions need to be in a Word doc format, and already edited. Include a title if you have one, and the name you want to be know by – e.g., – Linda, Linda D., Linda Dillon. This is you stepping up and out – no more hiding!

Channeled Gems are excerpts from your own personal channelings with Linda with information, insights and guidance that is a collective nature. So often what is said to one person applies to so many. What I have found is increasingly the Council is using individual sessions to communicate to the broader audience. It’s as if there aren’t enough hours in the day to get through to us in the rapid ascension process.

The process for submission is to forward either your audio file, and transcript if you already have one, to Ellen Narin at  If sumitting an audio file please make sure you refer to the segment (minute markers) you want shared – such as 3:22 – 6:22. Ellen is a wonderful experienced COL team member of  the highest integrity, trustworthiness, confidence. She has been entrusted with all of the Channeled Gems thus far and is the soul of discretion and confidentiality.

In submitting your Channeled Gem you can choose to be named or remain anonymous, as you prefer – and you let Ellen know that. All is dealt with in absolute confidentiality. The rest of your session information is never shared, and you are involved/consulted in the entire process prior to anything being posted.

We are looking forward to you joining the COL team – welcome to the family!