In asking for a heart-filled channel for Thanksgiving Universal Mother Mary led me back to this channeling on gratitude from 2005! As always, the message is timeless.Happy Thanksgiving my friends – may you and your family be infinitely and eternally blessed.
I am Mary, Mother of Hope and Mother of Change. I come this day to speak to you of gratitude. Be grateful, dear hearts, for all the gifts I have showered you with. Even a mother likes to hear thank you now and then, as do all of us who work and co-create with you; who laugh and play with you.
Yes, the chaos is still strong, but there is a great deal that goes correctly and it is in gratitude for the gifts that they grow. When we hear from you that you are appreciative, it is your intention and signal to decide that you wish us to continue, to flood you with our presence (and presents).
Be grateful for the small healings, the small openings, the small victories, and in that gratitude claim the wholeness of the larger vision. Your prayers, your statements, your thoughts, your feelings are always felt, known, heard, and acted upon. It is that simple. Do not think that we simply arrive or come in and out, that it is not how we work. So, turn to us, dear ones. Let us know how you think we’re doing. Yes, even screaming counts, but gratitude also counts.
Be in gratitude for your friends, your family, your circle, for those who support you, cherish you, for this is one circle. You are our representatives upon the Gaia and it is this circle and the behaviors of this circle, the state of being within each one of you that reflects to the entire world the vision of what we create.
Do not think you go on unobserved; you do not, not only by your fellow human beings, dear heart, but by many above and below. We are grateful to you for your encourage and stamina, for your laughter, your perseverance, and your ability to play. We join you in creation of bringing into physicality my dream. So, do not think, dear child, that I will not support you in every single way as you support me. Go with my blessings.
Channeled by Linda Dillon