by Linda Dillon
Jesus Sananda has requested me to re-post this channeling today on the gift of his Magenta Tri-Flame – enjoy. This is an incredible gifting from Jesus Sananda to each of us. It is a 2 part series, and I would recommend you do them in order. The vibration is...
by Mary Valanzano
Attendant with this gift, the wrapping on this gift is purity, what many of you think of as grace, but it is also the remembering, the reawakening, the restoring, the reclaiming of your original self and imprint, of your original sense of innocence, of awe and wonder....
by Mary Valanzano
Tonight, Archangel Michael invites us to “play” in his blue flame of truth, to remember our magnificence and grow by integrating the Love energies that are beaming to us from the Heart of One GD: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda...
by Mary Valanzano
I give you the pearl because it has many layers and the more you do, the more you forgive, the deeper you go into the mercy of what is right and just and balanced, the more lustrous, the more beautiful the pearl becomes. It is not a clear gem, it does not sparkle with...
by Mary Valanzano
…because tonight we’re working with a group of energies, ascended energies, that come from distant, ancient planets and who work with our chakra systems…they heal, they build, they construct, they are here to help us with our Ascension process… GD:...
by Mary Valanzano
What has happened is we have been pushing the boulder uphill, uphill, uphill. Well, it is the final push! It is on the summit. And now, push it, let it roll downhill, let it gather steam; let it clear the way for new ways of being, where all that is available is...