by Mary Valanzano
The reason you go deeper is to heal this injury…it is part forgiveness, part trust but it is also surrender, literally lying down and allowing yourself to simply say “I am not in control. I am in partnership but in that sacred partnership there are times when I...
by Mary Valanzano
Our beloved Archangel Michael lovingly answers our continual questions regarding Ascension, Disclosure, NESARA, etc. GD: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve...
by Mary Valanzano
I have asked you to dream big, I have asked you to receive inspiration from your own divinity and from us, from your star brothers and sisters and Gaia, from all the kingdoms. But what I also ask of you, dream big for your sacred self.There is no Ascension without...
by Mary Valanzano
It is time to trust yourself, to celebrate yourself, to have faith in your beloved self like never before. It is time to throw away the ‘what ifs,’ it is time to eliminate and completely destroy doubt and to fully embrace faith, trust, hope. Greetings. I AM Gabriel, I...
by Mary Valanzano
I come this night to speak to you about your sacred space, about the beauty and the wholeness and the joy of this physical vessel that you, your guides, the angels, the Archangels, that we have designed and activated for you upon this planet, upon this glorious Gaia,...
by Linda Dillon
The current, and perhaps most insidious, issue we are working on eliminating is control. For those of you who listen to Heavenly Blessings and Hour with an Angel you will know this is a subject Ascended Master St. Germaine and Archangel Michael have been bringing...