by Elizabeth Farrington
Love is not an effort. Love is simply allowing yourself to be who you are. And you, my beloved family, are extraordinary. Mary Magdalena
by Elizabeth Farrington
Stay in the present! – when you think of the future and what you wish to create, what you know your soul design demands, then you bring it, you embrace it, and you bring it into the present. And in so doing, you are bringing it into the tangible reality not only of...
by Elizabeth Farrington
We have had many, many, many boots on the ground, people who are acclimatizing. And although it is mostly hidden, sometimes, to those who pay attention, it is very apparent that there are Star Beings walking amongst you. Ashira of Neptune.
by Elizabeth Farrington
And there are a couple of things I wish to reiterate about this shift. You may think of it as a shift in dimensions, a shift in consciousness, a shift in DNA, in physicality, and certainly of Gaia, but it is truly a shift of the heart. Maitreya
by Elizabeth Farrington
Treat yourself with kindness, and then, knowing the joy, the purity, the sweetness of how that feels, then you are able and eager to share that kindness with others… Kuthumi
by Elizabeth Farrington
It is the springtime of humanity, and it is the springtime of this planet, and what has been asleep, for a very long time, now reawakens. And it is the reawakening of the human spirit, it is the reawakening of human will, it is the desire and the assumption of Divine...