Message of the Day

What is a Ray? This is unique to you and it is an expression, a demonstration, not only of the Mother’s love for thee but of your love for the Mother. … But your ray – and the combinations, the variations, the sweetness  – is a reflection of your Soul...

Message of the Day

… I dreamed {during his lifetime} this time when peace would be restored, when love would reign on Earth, when freedome would be the air that all beings breathed. … when sweetness would be the way, and gentleness would be the watchword … ...

Message of The Day

You have already progressed far enough that I am asking and inviting each of you to consciously accept the love, the joy, and yes, my brother’s peace, the Mother’s hope, the Father’s wisdom…it is your birthright, it is why you are here…you have played magnificent...

Message of The Day

Do not forget: time is a construct that we have created and that you have adopted for your existence in the 3rd dimension but, understand, we are not inviting you to stay there in the 3rd! Archangel Gabrielle

Message of The Day

If you have one purpose in this incarnation and upon this planet, this beautiful Gi’Anna, it is not to serve; it is to know the infinite wisdom of love that you are, that you have always been, to come into the full brilliance of you. Archangel Jophiel