Message of the Day

Why do you think your wing-maker self, all your star family is so ever fully present at this time? They are waiting, literally, in the wings, and they are anxious and excited.   St. Germaine

Message of the Day

… what our purpose is, has been incredibly expanded…this pertains to us personally, collectively, and throughout the omniverse. Is the focus of the memory the personal expansion? Yes! Is it to assist in the global awakening? Yes! And from there, out into the...

Message of the Day

You are breaking free to simply gather within this Earth realm what has always been available to you – and then we will teach you how to reach beyond.    Jesus

Message of the Day

… sweet Angels of Light, Angels of Love, you are One with me. You have already said ‘yes’. You have said ‘yes’ a million years ago and you have said ‘yes’ last month, last week, yesterday and today.   Divine Mother


One of the greatest gifts to humanity from the Mother and from the Father is the gift of animals, all animals, for they carry the love, they carry the balance, and they teach how to live in harmony ….. But it is especially true of the animals that accompany upon...


You are the Bravehearts. You are the ones who have said, “I will go and we will change this paradigm. We will preserve what is sacred and beautiful, and we will allow that which does not serve to simply fade away.” Archangel Jophiel