And there are a couple of things I wish to reiterate about this shift. You may think of it as a shift in dimensions, a shift in consciousness, a shift in DNA, in physicality, and certainly of Gaia, but it is truly a shift of the heart. Maitreya

Message of The Day

Love your bodies! Love this gift that you, in conjunction with all, have brought forth for the delight of humanity and the fulfilment of the Mother’s Dream. Mary Magdalene

Message of The Day

I am Master of the Violet Flame and the I AM presence, and I keep giving this to you and giving this to you and giving this to you. It is a gift that I don’t want you to return. There is an infinite… think of this… infinite supply and my only job is to share it! St....

Message of the Day

I want, I choose, to see the full beauty of who you are on planet right now! And the gift to me is you seeing it …  It is time to bring the fullness of your being to the forefront – on your behalf, on behalf of your joy, on my behalf, and on behalf of All. ...