by Elizabeth Farrington
Your pattern, your sacred beauty, your might, your unique contribution to my unfoldment, which is your unfoldment, it is NOW. Not 20 years hence and not 20 years past. It is in your time and my time, NOW! But your pattern, your beautiful snowflake design, is unlike...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Go to the lonely places, the quiet places, and let your soul soar, let it soar to the sky and rest on the grass, let it be filled with amazement when you see the tiniest bird fly. St. Catherine
by Elizabeth Farrington
……many of you have felt enslaved in this lifetime. You have felt enslaved by roles and responsibilities, and by false ideas of who you are. You believe that you are held in constriction, and you are not. You are absolutely free to follow your mission and...
by Dottie Chandler
Take time as you hear me, or over the next few days, to simply lie upon your bed and marvel and receive {an overlay of a reinforced, gold platinum grid}. Notice how bright and shiny you are. I am proud of you. I am proud to walk with you, to serve with you. I am...
by Dottie Chandler
Do not doubt your power to heal yourself, each other and this beautiful planet. If you feel that you are having trouble turning on the switch to your own current or to anyone else’s, call on me. Jesus
by Dottie Chandler
The tide has turned, so this is part and parcel of what we ask you to do…this undertaking in your transition work. Often you are saying, “Lord, what can we do?” Write LOVE, write it everywhere, and write it, sweet one, on each other’s hearts as I write it upon you...