by Mary Valanzano
We are in a time of significant shift; it is the shift from division, from competition, from jealousy, from control, to unity, connectedness, community, balance and in that balance you are also becoming more and more unified upon the grid of Gaia, upon the central...
by Mary Valanzano
Two weeks ago you confirmed that the rays are part of the Divine plan towards unifying humanity with higher dimensional beings. So say that you saw this ray right in front of you, as if it is a cylinder of blue light. It would touch your heart, your being, your...
by Mary Valanzano
You have been born into form, you have chosen — bravely, courageously — to step forward in this time of change, but you have done so because of your strengths, because of your valor, because of your gentleness, because you are dreamers and creators, and that you are...
by Mary Valanzano
What is a Ray? This is unique to you and it is an expression, a demonstration, not only of the Mother’s love for thee, but of your love for the Mother. It is an expression, that when you have been within the heart of One/Mother/Father/All, it was the energy, the...
by Mary Valanzano
In this Valentine’s Day sequel Archangel Gabrielle speaks to us of Love and survival, the Tsunami of Love and the higher octave to which we are moving.. To listen to this powerful message click here. Archangel Gabrielle tells us that we are moving, not only...
by Mary Valanzano
The winds of change are upon you, and they do not knock you over. But they caress your face. They make you look and breathe and inhale the scent in the wind — the scent of change, the scent of love, the scent of expansion, the scent of becoming — the truth of your...