Archangel Michael: Your world is changing…

We welcome Linda back to our show, An Hour With An Angel…And we welcome Archangel Michael who brings us good news! “I have asked to speak this day, to extend my arms, my energy, my being, in tandem with Jesus Sananda, and to beckon to you to join me, to...

Who is the Council of Love and what is its purpose?

The Council of Love is God’s sacred alliance and its purpose is the transmission of divine radiance and Love! Five months almost to the day, child, we have told you of the expansion of the 13th Octave, the most precious gift that we have ever been honored to bring...

Archangel Uriel: The future is yours and it is now!

On our Saturday conference call, Archangel Uriel declares: “I place within the center of your palm my Silver Flame, and I put it in your right hand because you will give and you will share this with many. But, make no mistake my beloved friends; this gift of my...