by Mary Valanzano
The winds of change are upon you, and they do not knock you over. But they caress your face. They make you look and breathe and inhale the scent in the wind — the scent of change, the scent of love, the scent of expansion, the scent of becoming — the truth of your...
by Mary Valanzano
On this Valentine’s Day–Embrace the Love, Share the Love… an excerpt from today’s “An Hour With An Angel” with Archangel Michael sharing the effect if the Mother’s tsunami of love… Steve Beckow: Tomorrow is the day of...
by Mary Valanzano
…let me say to you, each of you, and to the collective of humanity: not only are you on track, you are on the racetrack, and you are moving forward — healing, becoming, expanding, creating at the speed of love! Let us also begin by saying ‘what we are describing...
by Mary Valanzano
Very soon you will be swept away in the tsunami of the Mother’s love, in the tsunami of awakening. And what lies ahead is sheer delight. It is what your heart, your soul, your mind and your body have yearned for, and what many of you, literally some of you by your...
by Mary Valanzano
Communication is a form and a level of heart connection. It is the sharing of your being with another. It is not simply the spoken word, it can be the look on your face, the body language..some of the strongest, clearest communication is the silent communication....
by Mary Valanzano
Truly look at the impact you are having. You have been receiving the gift of purity and clarity directly from the heart of the Mother. If you are breathing, you are absorbing the clarity and the purity. You see, this is the way you are being prepared to step forward...