by Linda Dillon
I had a reading with Archangel Michael on July 22, 2016. A disagreement had arisen and I sought Michael’s counsel. He used the occasion to speak to all lightworkers on the need to end divisiveness and unite in heart. Archangel Michael in a personal reading with...
by Linda Dillon
Another gift of a channeled gem with Archangel Michael. Earth Bound Star Soul has had another reading with Linda, and again it began… Archangel Michael Greetings I am Michael EBSS Greetings Michael AAM and greetings to you...
by Mary Valanzano
The qualities of the Divine Masculine and Feminine are unique and in many ways still blended. The Masculine and the Feminine are and always have been in perfect infinite eternal harmony. And, that is what each and every one of you, in the balance of your masculine and...
by Linda Dillon
Many have been experiencing being put on sabbatical by the Divine Mother during this time of radical change in frequency. This process of reconstitution can be hard on the physical body as well as “challenging” on every other level. Thank you once again...
by Ellen Nairn
Come on, let’s lighten up, let’s laugh! Consider it part of your assignment every day to do something that gives you outrageous joy. Invite us over, we want to play! Heavenly Blessings Radio Show ~ 21 June, 2016 Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love Suzanne...
by Linda Dillon
On June 10, 2016, I had a reading scheduled with Linda to speak with my Guides. For the second time now, in recent years, instead of being greeted by the familiar voice of one of my Guides, I was greeted by another familiar voice that said, “Greetings, I am Michael.”...