Archangel Michael: Expectations, Climate Change & Disclosure
by Ellen Nairn
A couple of sweet gem excerpts shared by Steve from his reading with Linda and Archangel Michael: Archangel Michael: Expectations, Climate Change & Disclosure Expectations are often viewed by various people … in a negative way. But very often expectations...Archangel Michael: Feel the Joy, Witness the Love…
by Ellen Nairn
This is a time of love, of the rebirth of love, of the resurrection of love. Steve Beckow shares this uplifting gem from his personal reading with Linda in which Archangel Michael addresses our fatigue. He also explains our expansion in language that applies to a...Archangel Michael: Take Heart and Celebrate – The Shift is Underway!
by Ellen Nairn
As you are moving forth – not only claiming your star heritage, your angelic heritage, but truly claiming your Gaian heritage which is the key to all of this – you are increasing your literal, physical, tangible, creative expressions upon the planet from 10% to 50%....The Magdalena: The Blossoming That Is Now Upon Us!
by Ellen Nairn
The key is to truly look in the mirror – in Michael’s Blue Mirror of Truth – and to gaze and to see the truth and the beauty and the might and the humility of who you really are. At the behest of the Magdalena, Elle shares this sweet gem from a recent reading with...Mother Mary: Do not doubt yourself!
by Ellen Nairn
You are bringing forth already what you wish to be – what you have always been! A wonderfully uplifting gem shared from a recent reading with Linda for all those magnificent early tulips, daffodils and crocuses amongst us… Mother Mary: I am Mary, I AM Mare....Subscribe to our weekly emails
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