Universal Mother Mary: Revel In The Joy Of Your Physicality
by Ellen Nairn
You are not just bringing back [your intergalactic-angelic self] and anchoring her in form. You are anchoring your younger self, activating your DNA chain, to dance across the planet and far beyond. At the behest of Universal Mother Mary, Elle shares this beautiful...GAIA Speaks to Gratitude and Our Sacred Partnership
by Ellen Nairn
Simple gratitude – thank you – in fact is a gift of essential life force because, when it is genuine, it is the gift of unconditional love. Another wonderful channelled gem shared by Kirsten from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. GAIA Speaks to Gratitude and Our...GAIA Speaks to What is Unfolding
by Ellen Nairn
It is not a matter, ever, of simply surviving. It is a matter of being and participating in the constancy of change. This gorgeous channelled gem is shared by Kirsten from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. GAIA Speaks to What Is Unfolding Greetings, I am Gaia....Universal Mother Mary & Zalishia of the Pleiades: Healing and Restoration
by Ellen Nairn
The human race is choosing to heal. They are tired, exhausted, of the sadness. They are tired of the hole in their heart. EBSS shares this wonderful channelled gem with us from his personal reading with Linda Dillon. Universal Mother Mary & Zalishia of the...Archangel Valdar: Releasing Addiction [Addiction, Part 2/3]
by Ellen Nairn
… releasing the whole paradigm of addiction is so necessary upon your planet, whether it is addiction to substance or pain – because they are exactly the same – sex, drugs, alcohol, power, abuse… deviant behaviour that is not of the Divine. Another...