by Linda Dillon
A beautiful reminder from a recent channel that reminds us what is truly transpiring with the shifts upon Gia and the overwhelming presence of war. A reminder how critical it is for each of us to stay grounded deep within the heart of Gaia. xxx Linda Gaia. in her...
by Ellen Nairn
What is welling up in people’s hearts is not only the longing but the knowing – even when they are not phrasing it as such – that they know there is something else that they are intended, that they can have, that they can own and wear and live. Universal Mother...
by Ellen Nairn
Everything is in readiness – and might I say, my beloved brother, that includes you and that includes your sacred circle – so we bring you this message of good tidings, of glad joy! Valdar ~ This New Day of One Another wonderfully uplifting Channelled Gem lovingly...
by Ellen Nairn
It is a time of healing, and yes, it is a time of revelation, it is a time of unfoldment. It is a time that has been awaited for thousands and thousands of years. Archangel Raphael ~ The Blossoming Of The Collective Heart This beautiful Channelled Gem is lovingly...
by Ellen Nairn
It is critical that those of you who hold the centre, who acknowledge and embrace your ascended self, who understand the community of One, that you hold this hope, this peace, this truth, this Love as the sacred trust it is and that you are holding for many. Archangel...
by Ellen Nairn
There are far too many lightworkers who think that this [the darkness] should be expelled – and they use the term ‘destroyed’ in a destructive kind of way, in a vengeful kind of way that shows that they are in charge and that they have won the battle between light and...