by Ellen Nairn
Greetings All, the following is a portion of my channelling session with Linda Dillon on September 19, 2024. Sanat Kumara came forth to speak briefly before the private information. Linda suggested that I share it and I’m happy to do so. It pertains to each and every...
by Ellen Nairn
The signals, the popping of the daffodils in the spring, have already begun. Yes, even in the beginning of winter, there will be a thaw, and it will be a new spring and a New Day! Archangel Michael comes Heralding Great News! Archangel Michael’s wonderfully...
by Ellen Nairn
Your planet is in exhaustion. You have heard us speak of ‘soul exhaustion’ from time to time. It is not an illusion. It is the truth of when a soul feels it’s all simply too much. Madalia Speaks Of Soul Exhaustion Another beautiful excerpt lovingly...
by Linda Dillon
A beautiful reminder from a recent channel that reminds us what is truly transpiring with the shifts upon Gia and the overwhelming presence of war. A reminder how critical it is for each of us to stay grounded deep within the heart of Gaia. xxx Linda Gaia. in her...
by Ellen Nairn
What is welling up in people’s hearts is not only the longing but the knowing – even when they are not phrasing it as such – that they know there is something else that they are intended, that they can have, that they can own and wear and live. Universal Mother...
by Ellen Nairn
Everything is in readiness – and might I say, my beloved brother, that includes you and that includes your sacred circle – so we bring you this message of good tidings, of glad joy! Valdar ~ This New Day of One Another wonderfully uplifting Channelled Gem lovingly...