by Linda Dillon
Sanat Kumara speaks on Universal Law and the Law of Unification, the Law of Unity. “It is the understanding that all things, all energy is a unified force field…You are one force field. This planet is one force field. There is no separation. There is no division… Yes,...
by Mary Valanzano
Sanat Kumara gifts the activation of the DNA Strands of 13 and certain markers. “So with your sweet permission, we wish to activate these markers within you. And you have already given your assent for you have been eager and awaiting this moment for a long time. You...
by Linda Dillon
Sanat Kumara asks us to give him our shields. “Do we shield ourselves from you? No.…We do not shield from each other….And we ask that you not shield yourselves from us…And that is what we are asking: that the mirrors of the heart be wide open, that everything that we...
by Linda Dillon
Greetings. I am Sanat Kumara, Keeper of the Law. That Law is Love, all leads back to Love. Do not think, my dear friends, that I have gone away to hide for I stand in my golden radiance here with you this day once again to speak of creation. Time and time again we...
by Linda Dillon
Greetings, I am Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, Keeper, in many ways, my friends, of this planet of Earth, of our beloved Gaia, and of her place within the Universe. My dear friends, my beloved brothers and sisters of Earth, I come this day with [Archangel]...
by Linda Dillon
Greetings, I am Sanat Kumara, Master and Keeper of the Universal Laws, and I return this day, my friends, to speak to you of the Law of Purpose for surely you did not think that my lectures were over. The Law of Purpose is very important in your very life and in your...