by Linda Dillon
A passionate plea from Jesus Sananda / Jeshua to come and walk with him, to join with him. Jesus asks for a clear commitment from our hearts, a conscious out-loud answer to his request that we accompany him in this time of Shift. Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda, brother...
by Linda Dillon
A must read (and weep). Jesus speaks to us about his love for his father Joseph and his wife, Mary Magdalene, and the importance of soul family. This insight into the heart of Jesus and his Love for each of us is to be shared. Good morning, my beloved friends, I am...
by Linda Dillon
Good morning, my beloved friends, I am Jesus Sananda. I am Jeshua, I am keeper of the flame, I am keeper of the heart, I am keeper of the Christ consciousness, I am keeper of the seventh dimension, oh my list of jobs goes on and on (laughter), and in my spare time I’m...
by Linda Dillon
“Greetings. I am Jesus Sananda. I am Jeshua, your beloved brother of the magenta ray. I am pleased to step forward this day for I wish to speak about another aspect of going through the portal. Often people have thought, humanity has thought, that going through...
by Linda Dillon
“I am Jesus Sananda. This is a day of celebration, to be with all of you for we have traveled together so many times as family, as apostles, as friends and loved ones. So many times you turn to me you said Jeshua, how can we teach of love when there are poor and...
by Linda Dillon
An incredibly touching, heartwarming messages from Jesus Sananda that will shift your energy and understanding forever. This channeling was the opening greeting during the recent COL initiation of the 13th Octave teachers but its import is applicable to all of us. It...