by Mary Valanzano
Join us for Jesus/Sananda’s bestowing of his Sacred Heart to us, then go with him, in this powerful meditation, that anchors us in the 5th/7th dimension of home… I want to welcome you to the Council of Love and to our regular Saturday morning conference...
by Mary Valanzano
…this is about unity; this is about what we talked about, what we came together for thousands of years ago. I AM Yeshua, I AM Sananda, I AM Jesus. I think when I walk the world I would like you to call me Yesha; it is a name that I am fond of; I know what to...
by Mary Valanzano
So I come this day to give it to you and to reintegrate, to reignite that you remember your infinite capacity to love and to pass it on. My beloved, it is so fine to see you again, to hold your hand again, to feel your breath upon my cheek, to see the sun glistening...
by Linda Dillon
Every year at our Gathering there is a huge gift and attunement – this year our agenda is jammed packed with them. But the primary gift is the from our beloved Jeshua and is the gift of his Sacred Heart. When He first told me about this I hesitated. I grew up Catholic...
by Linda Dillon
As I prepare for the 15th Annual COL Gathering in Sedona the Council tells me which channellings to include – and they are powerful. Interestingly enough they are also timeless, and I feel strongly that everyone deserves to read this incredibly beautiful and...
by Linda Dillon
Every now and then I come across a channeling that reminds me how the messages of the Council are timeless – and always dead on the mark. Enjoy this one from our beloved Jesus Sananda. I am Jesus Sananda, brother, partner, teacher. The rules have never altered,...