by Mary Valanzano
On today’s conference call the beautiful Archangel Uriel came through to share the future with us: “There is no fulfillment of the Mother’s Plan if you are not the fulfillment of your dream, of your mission and purpose…” Title: The Fulfillment...
by Mary Valanzano
Your future is filled with laughter, camaraderie, joy, friendship, unity….You can expect overpopulated cities to shift into Gardens of Eden, a shift in your political system, your economic system, your social system…and so much more… Archangel Uriel...
by Mary Valanzano
On our Saturday conference call, Archangel Uriel declares: “I place within the center of your palm my Silver Flame, and I put it in your right hand because you will give and you will share this with many. But, make no mistake my beloved friends; this gift of my...
by Mary Valanzano
I invite you to the future. But what I would really like to do, and why I am here this day, is to ask you, to plead with you, to invite you, my brothers and sisters, to be in the now. And the now, yes, is eternal and infinite, expansiveness of co-creation, but it is...
by Linda Dillon
Let the rain gently fall upon your beloved Gaia. Let it caress and kiss the earth, particularly beginning with California but not ending. Hi there, I’m Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love. I’m honored and pleased to be asked to assist with this global...