by Mary Valanzano
Our beloved Archangel Michael lovingly answers our continual questions regarding Ascension, Disclosure, NESARA, etc. GD: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve...
by Mary Valanzano
I have asked you to dream big, I have asked you to receive inspiration from your own divinity and from us, from your star brothers and sisters and Gaia, from all the kingdoms. But what I also ask of you, dream big for your sacred self.There is no Ascension without...
by Mary Valanzano
Your clearest indicator of what is taking place within this Ascension process is your heart. It is the core of your being, knowing and deciding that you are choosing love, that you are more joyful…in your physical form, begin to feel yourself be reconstructed,...
by Mary Valanzano
Our approach to education, as you think of education, is far more holistic than perhaps you would have in your current systems on Earth, and particularly in the western world. What our focus is, and our concern is, is to address the complete scope, the complete needs,...
by Mary Valanzano
…this Peace Meditation that I ask you to undertake and to undertake for the next several months is to help calm that fury because it is that fury, that anger, that desire to maintain and to stay in control and conflict; that is the most dangerous element of...
by Mary Valanzano
You have already progressed far enough that I am asking and inviting each of you to consciously accept the love, the joy, and yes, my brother’s peace, the Mother’s hope, the Father’s wisdom…it is your birthright, it is why you are here…you have played...