by Mary Valanzano
Joy is who you are. You are the substance of Love and the matter of Joy. You are the embodiment of that essence, and Joy is the stillpoint between masculine and feminine… Heavenly Blessings Radio Show GD: Hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda...
by Mary Valanzano
I am asking you to recover, to restore, to reclaim, to reignite that sense of joy within…what I am asking is to reignite what is already within you, it came with you the same way your skin, your heart, your hair, your teeth, your toes came with you. It is part...
by Mary Valanzano
…you have said to me long ago, “Gabriel, when you sound your horn I will be there and I will respond.” Well, that is this day as we venture forth together, not in a day, a moment or an hour. But you have unfurled your wings a long time ago, child, and it is time...
by Mary Valanzano
It is time to trust yourself, to celebrate yourself, to have faith in your beloved self like never before. It is time to throw away the ‘what ifs,’ it is time to eliminate and completely destroy doubt and to fully embrace faith, trust, hope. Greetings. I AM Gabriel, I...
by Mary Valanzano
…each of you have wondrous, unique identity that is celebrated and what better place to come to know it than within the triple flames where you are in the protected, secure truth of your sacred space…so come to embrace, in the secure knowing, the beauty of...
by Mary Valanzano
Attendant with this gift, the wrapping on this gift is purity, what many of you think of as grace, but it is also the remembering, the reawakening, the restoring, the reclaiming of your original self and imprint, of your original sense of innocence, of awe and wonder....