by Linda Dillon
“I wish this day to talk once again about Love, and I wish to talk about it in the context of gentleness and courage and stamina. This is quite a combination, is it not? For the world you are living in, this Nova Earth, that you and we are anchoring and...
by Linda Dillon
Greetings, I am Mary, Universal Mother, Mother of Hope and Mother of Change, and yes sweet friends, Mother of Healing. Welcome, welcome my sweet angels of light, volunteers of Love, pathfinders and showers of the way, anchors of the cities of light, and the cities of...
by Linda Dillon
There has been a great deal of controversy about Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion. Many of us have lived during the time of Jesus/Jeshua and have witnessed the events not only of the life but the death of this Master incarnate. Additionally, there have been many...
by Linda Dillon
I am the Wayfarer. I am the big Buddha. I have nothing to give you and I want everything. And I want nothing and I give you all. My message to you is that you are the void. You are the nothingness and you are the air. You are the Source and you are the One. I know...
by Linda Dillon
Universal Mother Mary has spoken with us a great deal lately about what happens when someone dies, passing from this realm to theirs. This channelling captures the essence of those messages. Greetings I am Mary, Universal Mother, Mother of Joy. I do not wish to be...