Healing Japan and Gaia

These are the messages of Mother Mary and Gaia on Healing Japan and Terra Gaia. Meditation We begin today by breathing in the blue diamond energy of the Universal Mother. As you begin to feel this energy allow it to cover the Earth, your skin, inside you, breathe it...

Healing Request For Japan

In light of the earthquake and radiation leaks in Japan I am reposting this critical message from Gaia. Gaia has requested that this Saturday’s conference call, 11 AM EDT, to be live-streamed in order that all of us to join together in stepping forward to heal...

The Gift of The Pink Diamond

The gift of the pink diamond of the complete anchoring of our unique wholeness has been bestowed upon us by Universal Mother Mary beginning Dec. 4, 2009. Because many of you missed this information Mother Mary is encouraging me to remind you of this incredible...

World Freedom Day Update

More from Steve Beckow on World Freedom Day. On Sunday, March 6, 2011, the freedom-loving people of this planet agree to peacefully assemble in all town squares around the world at 12:00 noon to liberate the planet. This gathering will be known as World Freedom Day....

The Immaculate Heart, the passport to paradise

More and more Universal Mother Mary is reaching out to us to help us in our personal journey and the unfoldment of her plan. Read the inspirational messages of Alex Guiterrez in his Mother Mary’s Resurrection – February 2011 Newsletter.