Sedona Gathering 2011 Theme Song

Listen to Johnny Reid Today I’m Gonna Try and Change the World. We all need a little lift and inspiration – the opening and theme song for the Sedona Gathering. Enjoy my sweet friends – see you in ONE MONTH!!!!

Cozy Sacred Space For Rent

Beautiful, cozy and spiritual one bedroom apartment with one of the sweetest inspired couple I know. Apartment has queen bed, full bath,kitchenette, dining room table and two-couch living room, with Internet. Garden with beautiful red rock views. Perfect for a couple...

Jesus Sananda’s Gift of the Sacred Heart

Every year at our Gathering there is a huge gift and attunement – this year our agenda is jammed packed with them. But the primary gift is the from our beloved Jeshua and is the gift of his Sacred Heart. When He first told me about this I hesitated. I grew up Catholic...

The Power of Love

As I prepare for the 15th Annual COL Gathering in Sedona the Council tells me which channellings to include – and they are powerful. Interestingly enough they are also timeless, and I feel strongly that everyone deserves to read this incredibly beautiful and...

FREE Initiation into the Violet Flame of St. Germaine

In preparation for sailing smoothly through the Shift the Council of Love is conducting a 2-hour broadcast for the initiation or re-initiation into the Violet Flame of St. Germaine and the I AM Presence. The energy of the Violet Flame, like everything else in this...