by Linda Dillon
There is far too little sense of awe and wonder on this incredible planet. It’s time for us to come together, in heart, and celebrate what is truly meaningful – and what fills and feeds our souls….Please watch this brief video by Louie Swartzberg and...
by Linda Dillon
The Occupy movement is growing – it’s time for change as we all know. So let’s open our hearts and shed these old paradigms and shift into the Love – with integrity, equality, unity and community. Please share this video! xxxx Linda
by Linda Dillon
Greetings,I am the Magdalena.I am Mary, but I choose to be called The Magdalena.It was an endearment first given to me by Jeshua, and then it spread as so many of the apostles and disciples would call me such. It was a title but a term of endearment. How I loved those...
by Linda Dillon
Listen and bring in the energy of this incredible lightholder Astarius Miraculii – I don’t think he’s from here…
by Linda Dillon
Hi Beautiful People! I want to share the Information about the upcoming Modern Shamanism talks in the United States with Hamilton Souther.Please Don’t miss this!! Modern Shamanism is about connection, we are Shamans, and we are the artist of our own life. The...