I AM Energy Process

Donn Smith is a delightful spirit, gifted coach and intuitive who has recently began a blogtalk radio show called A NEW Donn-ing dealing with his I Am Energy process. It is really worth a listen – open your hearts and receive.

Honor Your Mother!

Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday, May 13th – of magic 13! Time to honor our Mothers – all of them. A fellow lightworker/ love-holder Michael Preston had this wonderful idea – why inspiration that we honor Gaia on this coming Sunday. I think it is brilliant. I...

The Great Awakening: Updates & Upcoming Events

We are in the middle of The Shift. This paradigm, dimension, heart, consciousness Shift or Ascension is not something that is magically going to happen in December of this year – it is happening right now. The magic and the miracles are right now. There are times I am...

Ascension 101 on CoZoso Radio

This is a wonderful interview with Christine Andrews with Linda on Ascension. What the heck is ascension? Never heard of it? Channel Linda Dillon is here to break down the basics, tune in! Do you feel like time is passing more swiftly?...

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

We live in an amazing alarming time. What really concerns me is the bitter edge I am witnessing in many lightworkers comments, articles, channelings and reports of these activities. What happened to love, trust, and forgiveness? What is happening to compassion? We...