And The Winners of The Free Reading Are….

Good Morning Fun Seekers, Vicki Harding – New Zealand Carl Rodriques – UK Elaine Wajcium – I think the US but I could be wrong… First off let me thank each and every one of you (57 to be exact) who took the time and trouble to write a review of...

Now by Staria

A beautiful message from a fellow light-worker down under. Dear Friends, Now is what matters. I have a unique opportunity to run where no other can, to see what no eyes are looking for, to feel what others cannot understand, or overlook. I have the insight, the...

The Gift of Jesus Sananda’s Magenta Tri-flame

Jesus Sananda has requested me to re-post this channeling today on the gift of his Magenta Tri-Flame – enjoy. This is an incredible gifting from Jesus Sananda to each of us. It is a 2 part series, and I would recommend you do them in order. The vibration is...

Riding the Waves by Raisa Goltsin

A beautiful poem by Raisa Goltsin about this incredible transition energy we’re all experiencing. It feels like I am riding the waves Up and down between The bliss and despair; Between the bliss of the Spirit, When the Promised Land seems so near, And the depth...