Now by Staria

A beautiful message from a fellow light-worker down under. Dear Friends, Now is what matters. I have a unique opportunity to run where no other can, to see what no eyes are looking for, to feel what others cannot understand, or overlook. I have the insight, the...

The Gift of Jesus Sananda’s Magenta Tri-flame

Jesus Sananda has requested me to re-post this channeling today on the gift of his Magenta Tri-Flame – enjoy. This is an incredible gifting from Jesus Sananda to each of us. It is a 2 part series, and I would recommend you do them in order. The vibration is...

Riding the Waves by Raisa Goltsin

A beautiful poem by Raisa Goltsin about this incredible transition energy we’re all experiencing. It feels like I am riding the waves Up and down between The bliss and despair; Between the bliss of the Spirit, When the Promised Land seems so near, And the depth...

Don’t Miss Linda’s Interview with Galactic Family

GD interviews Linda Dillon on Our Galactic Family May 27, 8pm EST, who will discuss how for the last twenty years she has been going to the Neptune Ship at night. She’ll describe ship living and its technology. She’ll also discuss how she first encountered ships, how...