Message of The Day

Stay in what is uplifting you and give the rest to us! Do not even give it to Gaia. Give it to us. Let us take care of it. Give it to the Father, Yahweh. Archangel Gabrielle

Message of The Day

So my message to you this day is do not let your hope die, do not let your light die, hold it. And when it is a fallow time, when it is a time a time of regeneration, when you have need to go into your cocoon, do so and nurture the light that it will burn brightly yet...

Message of The Day

You are traveling light… you are light traveling, traveling at the speed of love, interdimensionally, through time and space. Do not go back to ancient grievances, do not go back to ancient wars… stay in the current of now and future….. because the war is over…...

Message of The Day

Gentleness has probably never been as critically important upon this planet, upon this sacred archangel, as it is in this moment. And I mean this for each and every one of you: Lay down your fears! Lay down your hesitations! Lay down all your lack and limitation –...

Message of The Day

“I’m packing up now and I’m going to the wilds of the country to hear the silence.” But the silence is inside of you. But it’s important – turn off the TV, turn off your neighbors, turn off the radio, turn off the insanity that’s surrounding you and come into...