by Elizabeth Farrington
This planet is a place of Love. It is not an exclusive club, all are welcome. All you have to do now is to hold the light. What you think of as work is done, just rest and simply integrate. It is not a life that is to be filled with struggle, for that is of the old...
by Elizabeth Farrington
We cannot plan and go forward in this next phase, shall we say, of unfoldment without the Gaian participation. We need you – and, I dare say, you need us. We come in Peace, and we believe – yes, it is an assumption but it is also a knowing – that your planet… we...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Do not deny your power. Do not deny your right to change the world. It is your right! You came to be the love – and you want everyone to play! El Morya
by Elizabeth Farrington
It is this walk of trust. It is this walk of hope. It is this walk of faith. Because even as we commune with you, even though you know us, the doing – the true doing – is yours. Archangel Gabrielle
by Elizabeth Farrington
The Shift is upon you. Often we have said ‘You are ahead of schedule’. Now in any language we know what that means. You are on that wave, and as you meet the shore, you caress it with that gentleness of power. Lord Maitreya