by Elizabeth Farrington
I also say the shift is at hand. We have repeatedly said – from the Mother to every single one of us – ‘the event’ is not a singular unfoldment. It is a series of undertakings, of revelations, of shifts in the fundamental functioning paradigm of how humans operate –...
by Elizabeth Farrington
For truly, what is this unfoldment all about? It is about the balancing. It is about the unity within and without, above and below, that you can be in the fullness of reunion… not a singular reunion, most certainly a reunion with your sacred self, but a reunion in the...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Claim your joy. Not when it is all done and over with, but each and every day. Look around you. There is always something within me, and around you in the eyes and the smile of a cat, or a crow or a human being to make you smile and see the magnificence of...
by Elizabeth Farrington
And the reason that so many of you, yes, wake up tired in the morning, exhausted… you’re thinking “Oh, when is this going to end?” and you call it ascension symptoms! Many of you are off with Mi-ka-el in war-torn places; many of you are working with Gabrielle in...
by Elizabeth Farrington
…be in the rhythm of your own being, of your own heart, but put it in tandem, match it to the rhythm of Gaia, to her heartbeat and to the heartbeat of One. And come with me and travel along that silver moonbeam, for you are traveling to Nova Earth. Archangel...