Message of The Day

And you, my friends, by choice have come as master alchemists because you are changing the entire planet and the collective thereupon. It is an undertaking of such substance … stop fooling yourselves, stop denying yourselves, and say to yourselves, “Accept it. I AM...

Message of The Day

The tide has turned, so this is part and parcel of what we ask you to do…this undertaking in your transition work. Often you are saying, “Lord, what can we do?” Write LOVE, write it everywhere, and write it, sweet one, on each other’s hearts as I write it upon you...

Message of The Day

So the lightbody has always been part of you. Think of it, think of the mythologies, the fairy tales. You cannot divorce yourself from your shadow. You are not Peter Pan, and so you cannot divorce yourself or separate yourself from your lightbody. It has always been a...

Message of The Day

I/we want you to know that we are with you in the unified field of love, in the unified field of existence, in the new realm of existence – and we want our presence to be known. Grener of Ashira of Neptune

Message of The Day

Love everybody, everybody and everything you meet, you witness. No you do not have to love their drama and actions. But honor the roll they play in this unfoldment just as you wish to be honored in your roll. This activation comes now. The vibration continues to be...