Message of The Day

Let us look at what lies ahead in this intergalactic/galactic portal called Terra Gaia. The future awaits you, oh yes, but let me tell you, my beloved friends, the future is now. Archangel Jophiel

Message of The Day

I will stay with you. I will stay with each of you until the shadows are erased, until the light of my Love has reached every crevice and crack. I do this gently, for Love does not force. It is graceful and it is tender and it is considerate. This is my gift to you....

Message of The Day

I bring you the protection of the Mother/Father/One. I bring you the protection of your star brothers and sisters. Do not fall into fear. And, my beloved ones, my brothers and sisters of light, the courageous ones who walk the Earth and prepare the Earth for this time...

Message of The Day

Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. All things are passing away. God never changes. Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing. God alone suffices. The Prayer of St. Teresa of Avila

Message of The Day

Beloveds, you are magnificent; you are holy; you are radiant, and you are mine. Be the true angels in form. Be the agents of change by breathing… we have taught you how. I am counting on you. I am entrusting this to you in the full knowing that you have already said...