Message of The Day

Let your Beacon of Light beam kindness because when you are truly in the gentleness of love, there is no blame or shame, and there is no abuse or violence. There is simply an understanding that we are all One. That cannot be negated or relinquished. You – we – are all...

Message of The Day

You know, I came to this planet, originally to restore the rule of love. And now this is your job, this is your mission, this is your sacred undertaking. Mary Magdalena

Message of The Day

You are in the 7th dimension, but you experience the 3rd reality even though you are removed from it.  It allows you the joy of being in physical form and having that experience. Archangel Jophiel

Message of The Day

Lay down your fears! Lay down your hesitations! Lay down all your lack and limitation – they do not exist! Surrender to the divinity and the humanity, the beauty, the purity, the wonder, the inspiration of who you are.                                                 ...

Message of The Day

Let us just take a moment, an infinite moment, and forgive.   I ask you to simply breathe. What I give you is forgiveness. What I expand within you is forgiveness. What I awaken within you is wisdom and the common sense to Love. Yeshua