by Elizabeth Farrington
You are the wayshowers, you are the pathfinders, you are the teachers, the healers, the channels, the pillars. Do not tarry… no, do not rush…be in the rhythm of your own being, And come with me and travel along that silver moonbeam, for you are traveling to Nova...
by Elizabeth Farrington
There are great changes taking place upon your planet. Perhaps the most significant is, shall we say, the obvious arrival of your Star Family and friends – not as hidden boots on the ground, but as they step forth in the fullness of their ‘olive branch’ and their...
by Elizabeth Farrington
You have come to this planet, this planet of such extreme beauty, you have come as sister and brother to Gaia, to assist her as she daily, moment to moment, assists you in the blossoming, the anchoring, the expansion of who you truly are… brilliant angels, brilliant...
by Elizabeth Farrington
let me say to you, each of you, and to the collective of humanity: not only are you on track, you are on the racetrack, and you are moving forward — healing, becoming, expanding, creating at the speed of love! Let us also begin by saying ‘what we are describing is...
by Elizabeth Farrington
We come in peace. We come in prosperity. We come in abundance. We come in love because that is the only thing there is. Grener of Ashira of Neptune